Robotic Solar Panel Cleaners vs. Manual Solar Panel Cleaners

January 15, 2022


Solar energy is an excellent source of renewable energy. Solar panels turn the energy from the sun into electricity and require regular cleaning to maintain their efficiency. Solar panels can accumulate dust, dirt, and other pollutants that reduce their efficiency. In this article, we compare the benefits and drawbacks of using robotic solar panel cleaners vs manual solar panel cleaners.

Manual Solar Panel Cleaners

Manual solar panel cleaning involves using a bucket of soapy water, a squeegee, and a brush to clean the panel. It's a fairly straightforward process and requires a bit of labour.

Benefits of Manual Cleaning

Manual solar panel cleaning is a cost-effective option. It requires no special equipment, and the equipment needed is inexpensive, which makes manual cleaning accessible to all. The primary benefit of manual cleaning is its affordability.

Drawbacks of Manual Cleaning

Manual solar panel cleaning is labour-intensive and requires a lot of time, especially if the solar array is extensive. It's also challenging to clean the panels thoroughly, as even small bits of debris can impact panel efficiency. Additionally, manual cleaning can be dangerous if you need to climb roofs, and it's also not as environmentally friendly since it can waste significant amounts of water.

Robotic Solar Panel Cleaners

Robotic solar panel cleaning involves an automated device that uses brushes, squeegees, and low-pressure water jets to clean solar panels.

Benefits of Robotic Cleaning

Robotic solar panel cleaning is an excellent option for large-scale solar installations. The robots can cover large areas quickly and efficiently, reducing the need for human labour to maintain efficiency. The robots can also clean panels more thoroughly than manual cleanings, which means that robotic cleaning can result in a more significant increase in efficiency than manual cleaning.

Additionally, robotic solar panel cleaners do not waste water and are much safer. They do not require human intervention and are weather-resistant, which makes them ideal for use even in harsh weather conditions.

Drawbacks of Robotic Cleaning

Robotic solar panel cleaning is expensive compared to manual cleaning. The cost of purchasing and maintaining robotic cleaners can run into the thousands of dollars, which makes it inaccessible to some. Additionally, maintenance and repair of the robotic cleaners can also be costly.


In conclusion, both manual and robotic solar panel cleaning have their pros and cons. Manual cleaning is cost-effective but can be time-consuming and less efficient, while robotic cleaning is efficient but expensive. Ultimately, the decision to use either method will depend on your budget, the size of your solar installation, and your desired results.


  1. The Efficiency of Solar Panel Cleaners: An Experimental Study
  2. Robotic and manual cleaning of solar panels
  3. Comparison of Robotic and Manual Washing of Photovoltaic Modules

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